Chapter 2

Sixty and beyond

“Tap-tap-tap, is this thing on?” Hello, this is my first post on my new blog. I have no idea how all of these buttons work but here we go! This was my opening post from my very first blog. Very short, for sure because I really was intimidated by this blog thing. 

I started The Middle One back in 1999. The grandparents were not in the same state, so the best way to keep them in the loop, so to speak, was with a “Mommy Blog” they were able to see how their grandchild was growing. I remember having to beg them to look at my blog, but they didn’t understand what a blog was. LOL! “ does she want money from us?” “ that’s what a blog does, right?” 

That’s not how this works; that’s not how any of this works!!! Remember that commercial? My mom was the first to check out the blog and she fell in love with the whole idea. Being the guardian of all our pictures and family movies, she was finally all in. She would have my aunt print the pictures for her so she could have them in her room at hospice. Yes hospice, by the time I convinced her to read my blog she had already missed out on years of blogging goodness. I could even post videos? This was how my father was introduced to my blog, he was able to hear his rather talented grandson perform Nebbie, by Ottorino Respighi. My first blog came to be very special to both of them and mom would definitely let me know if I hadn’t written anything in a while. 

I am finally getting to a point where sitting down and recording the goings on at this point in my life’s journey sounds like a great idea. Is there really life after a mommy blog? One almost feels like there could not possibly be much left to offer. After family vacations and birthday parties, recitals, awards and such. Why on earth would anyone want to hear from me now, sans child, but there was life before the mommy stage so I think I just may have it all wrong; I am still here, I have much to say, learn and do. I am sure I am not alone. So welcome to the next chapter of this life. Here’s to  sixty and beyond.I want to laugh, grow learn from the past, but most importantly look forward to my future.